Welcome to this weeks Flow Feature! It’s been a big week with Florence winning even more awards for herself and the hard working band, and finally some new festival dates announced! We’re glad that through all the excitement you’ve found yourself reading our weekly Flow Feature, this time on V. Holmes!

V. Holmes first discovered Florence + The Machine in the most unlikely way… In early 2010 she was walking down the street on her way to the local music store. Too busy wrapped up in a conversation with her friend about their favourite British bands (Coldplay or The Beatles???) V. was not watching where she was going. Before she knew what had happened she was a heaped, bloody mess on the doorstep of the music store. V immediately turned around to abuse whatever inanimate object that had caused her such embarrassment, and instead stopped in awe at an image of the most beautiful red haired woman she had ever seen. Through some kind of fate or destiny V had managed to trip over a display for the recently released debut album of Florence + The Machine, ‘Lungs’. 

A few weeks later, V went back and bought a copy of the album. The kooky store owner, recognising V from her accident, turned and told her to “watch out, you never know when life will throw something in your path, and you never know how it will change you…” It doesn’t happen often, but boy was the kooky music store lady right that day.

Since discovering 'Lungs' in 2010, V has found the inspiration and confidence to express herself artistically. Though every song provides its own unique inspiration, the worlds created by ‘Blinding’, ‘Girl With One Eye’ and ‘Howl’ have always stood out for V. Much of her artwork has been inspired by these three songs. Recently V received an award for ‘Most Accomplished Young Artist’ in her school, and has now been nominated for the same award for her entire region. Now with ‘Ceremonials’ in her pocket along with ‘Lungs’, and the promise of more albums in the future, V finally has an idea of who she is and who she wants to become. Her artwork is already taking her places she never would have thought she would go and given her opportunities she would otherwise have never had. Recently V has begun working on her own music, also inspired by the world of Florence + The Machine. Though it hasn’t yet left her mind and her bedroom we’re sure it will be just as rewarding as her art! 

V. Holmes is so grateful to Florence + The Machine. Though they got off to a rough start they have buried themselves so deeply inside her heart that they will forever be a part of her. V ensures at every award ceremony she attends she thanks the band that gave her the courage to become who she is and the inspiration to fulfil her dreams.

Thank you so much to V. Holmes for sharing your beautiful story! We wish you the best of luck with all of your creative outlets, we hope they bring you every happiness!

We hope you all enjoyed this weeks Flow Feature! To share your story just send us an email or submit through our website (the Contact/Submit link at the top)! Until next week…

Inspiring Flows Xxx


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