Welcome to this weeks Flow Feature! We know you must all be having a wonderful week with the announcement of a brand new song as part of the soundtrack for The Great Gatsby! This weeks Flow Feature is on Sandi D. 

Sandi spent many of her years in primary school with her head in a book, desperately trying to find a world to escape from the constant bullying from her fellow students. She spent her days lost in the realm of Middle Earth or Hogwarts, the only places where she felt safe from the torment. While her books gave her somewhere to escape the bullies, she could still never escape from herself.

Sandi gradually became more and more depressed, and felt she had nowhere to turn for help. While she was good at reading she had never exceled in any of her studies and began feeling more and more useless. Her parents had no idea what to do with her, and sent her to therapists who were more interested in giving meditation techniques than listening to what she had to say. Sandi became more and more detached. Some days she would never make it to school, finding a patch of shade in the nearby park where she could read. 

It was in 2010 that she first heard the band and the instrument that would change her life. Sandi was searching on YouTube and happened to come across a band called Florence + The Machine performing live on Letterman.  Her mother had never been a big music fan and her father was only interested in rock or heavy metal. Sandi had never heard anything like this band before, and she had certainly never heard the beautiful sound of a harp. 

Sandi was mesmerized for the rest of the performance. The sound was incredible, and the instrument itself was perfect. Sandi knew straight away that she wanted to learn to play. After a lot of convincing and extra chores her parents finally agreed to pay for private lessons. Sandi has been playing the harp for a bit over a year now.  It’s been one of the most challenging things she ever tried. Having no background in music at all learning to read the sheet music has been the toughest part of all. But Sandi refuses to give up. She has already come a long way, and she finally feels like she has something to offer the world, and something that she can do with her life.

Learning to play the harp also opened up a whole social network for Sandi, through her school and music lessons. Sandi has finally made a strong group of friends, even some Flows! Recently at a school concert Sandi finally took up the courage to play a Florence + The Machine song with a few friends. They performed ‘Drumming Song’ (acoustic) in front of the whole school, and even though they all made a lot of mistakes they still received the loudest applause of the whole day.

Sandi hopes that someday soon, when she has enough money behind her, she can finally see the band perform live, and hopefully meet Tom Monger in person. She is so grateful to every member of the band for opening a new world for her, but this time one within her reality.

Thank you Sandi for sharing your inspiring story! We wish you the best with learning to play the harp and fingers crossed you can one day meet your favourite band and your inspiration! 

We hope you all enjoyed this weeks Flow Feature! We’re always after some new stories to share, we would LOVE to hear yours next! Contact us through our email or website today! Until next time… 

Inspiring Flows Xxx

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