Welcome to this week’s Flow Feature! We hope you all had a wonderful week and some of you are able to get your hands on some of that beautiful new Flotique jewellery. This week’s Feature is on Marie Perin from Belgium! 

Like many in our treasured fan base, Marie’s story as a Flow started only last year, around July. When Florence + The Machine released their debut album and began their rise to stardom, Marie never paid much attention.  Where Marie lived the radio stations hardly played her songs, and though there were a few Florence + The Machine songs present on her iPod, they got lost in the shuffle of the thousands of other artists. 

It wasn’t until the cast of popular TV show Glee performed a rendition of ‘Dog Days Are Over’ that Marie started paying attention. She had occasionally listened to the bands version of the song, but Marie just fell in love with this version of the song. 
At long last the music festival season started and came to Belgium. Marie and her best friend had planned to go to Rock Werchter, but were only able to attend one day of the festival. They pored over the line-up and chose what day they thought would be the best of the festival, the Sunday, featuring The Vaccines, Noel Gallagher, Dropkick Murphy’s, Snow Patrol, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and our very own Florence + The Machine. 

However, amidst all the excitement, Marie’s school grades had been slipping. Her parents punished Marie by taking away all electronic equipment, including her phone, laptop, iPad and iPod. Marie wasn’t even allowed to listen to the radio, which took away all opportunity to prepare for the bands they would soon be seeing. Using the old house phone, Marie still managed to share the excitement with her friend, wondering what it would be like to stand in front of the stage, to let go completely and be one with the music. 
A week later it was the day of the festival, and the day that would change Marie’s life. After arriving at
the festival and watching the first three acts it was Florence + The Machine’s time to shine. Marie and her friend waited desperately, still with little idea what to expect. 

Then she appeared on the stage, like an angel from heaven, sweeping Marie off her feet. Florence enchanted the crowd with her beauty and powerful voice, perfection that couldn’t possibly be from this world. Marie was swept away in the moment, was one with the music. Much of the concert itself is a blur, at time the emotions were so overwhelming that Marie felt sick, her mind poisoned in the best possible way, by purity and goodness and light. Marie remembers leaving the festival area filled with so much happiness, happiness that had hit her like a train on a track. 
Not long after Marie went to Spain, and was finally given back her iPod. The entire time she was there she played only two artists, Bob Marley and Florence + The Machine. This continued as she travelled through Portugal, and when she returned to first thing she did was get a copy of Between Two Lungs. 

When she got her laptop back things moved even faster. Marie and her best friend searched for every song, every recording out there, and started building up their merchandise collections. 

On the 25th of November Florence + The Machine travelled to Antwerp, and though Marie was unable to go, her trusty best friend had her covered. Marie was able to hear ‘Dog Days Are Over’, ‘You’ve Got The Love’ and ‘No Light, No Light’ over the phone and scored a Florence + The Machine poster. Even though she wasn’t there in person it was still a beautiful moment, for which Marie is so grateful to her best friend. 
At the beginning of December Marie discovered Twitter. It had been a long time since Marie had used the website, but with such a beautiful new idol to track down it was now a must. Then, Marie discovered ‘Flotos’. They were everywhere, and they were beautiful, and Marie began making collages and edits to her hearts content. In the process Marie made herself a beautiful Florence Welch header for her Twitter profile. Not 24 hours later she already had people commenting on the sheer magnificence of it. She made a friend who spoke Dutch, making communication easier, and was finally able to get all new Florence + The Machine information, share news and share Florence + The Machine experiences. 
It started with just one, then another, and before long she had over 50 new followers who all shared the  same passion. Marie had found the Flows. Marie now has friends from every corner of the world, she belongs to a new family that she can truly rely on. For Marie it feels like a family that really cares about one another, and it’s all because of Florence Welch and her Machine. 
Now, anytime that Marie has to do something that she is afraid of, all she needs to do is play ‘Rabbit Heart’ in her head the day before, and ‘Heartlines’ before she does it, and she can conquer anything. Florence talks to her through the music, reminding her that she can do anything and giving her the confidence to get through it all. When she feels blue or bad about herself Marie just needs to listen to ‘Shake It Out’ to feel that Florence cares for her and will see her through. 
Recently a fan made ‘Florabella’ video touched Marie. She remembers crying as she watched it,
reminded of the friendship between her and her best friend. The video made Marie realise how close they were, as close as Florence and Isa, and realise that she never, ever wants to lose that. 

Marie now has hundreds of Flotos building up around her and listens to nothing but Florence. Marie drives
her parents and brother insane with the constant singing through the house, but she can’t help it. Florence really is a true icon, one that makes Marie feel more and more confident each day. Between Florence, the Machine, and her best friend Marie is ready for anything that life might throw at her. All she needs to do is remember back to that day that all three of them were together. Florence, Marie
and her best friend, together at Rock Werchter. 

Thank you to Marie Perin for sharing your beautiful story. We hope that between Florence + The Machine and your best friend you will continue to have so much happiness in your life!

We hope you all enjoyed this weeks Flow Feature! Next week could be you, so please send us your story today. Every single story sent in to us gets presented as a Flow Feature! Until next time...

Inspiring Flows xXx

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