Welcome again to our regular readers, and to every Flow around the world joining us. This weeks Flow Feature is an interesting one, about Lali Italiano who has shared a beautiful and intriguing memory with us of a time where the mere thought of Florence and her music helped her through a dark night and inspired her to see beyond her life as it was.

It was a night that she will always remember. She was lying in bed and the walls were covered by faces that were watching her, waiting for something. And so began Lali’s experience in the form of a dream or hallucination that went on through the night…

She was quite ill, and her body was hot. She thought she was going to die, plagued by a fever that would not let up. 

Florence’s whispers were like a chorus of ghosts as Lali spoke the words ‘Shake it out, shake it out” into the darkness around her. 

When Florence appeared she looked like a mermaid as suddenly Lali’s room became a sea. Water began to enter Lali’s lungs and Florence’s eyes were reflected in her own. Florence reached into Lali and kissed her heart. 

Then suddenly Florence tried to run and get out of this body, but she was stopped by dogs at the door, Virginia Woolf on the shelf and the ghost of Lali’s grandmother who was flickering in and out between the frames of the dream. Florence could not leave, and now a machine had taken hold of a demon and Lali’s feet.

When these shadows came near to Lali, Florence took a hold of her hair, which was red like the colour of her heart. Lali felt like Alice falling down the hole as Virginia watched the waves, which were taking her mind from consciousness to a world of universal love. 

All night this fever raged and Lali spoke to the ghost of Florence for comfort. The night seemed never ending and Lali’s entire life up until that night was reflected in Florence’s eyes. 
Suddenly everything in the room around her fell down. The ghost of Lali’s grandmother and a child singing while playing the harp came over and filled Lali’s body with the entire universe, and Lali felt she could take no more. Her skin turned pale and she felt the end was coming. 

But then it was dawn and Lali’s eyes opened to feel the sun singing, and her third inner eye could see mystical creatures playing in the garden.

After this night Lali has been opened up to a whole other world, and thanks Florence for getting her through the night and to a place where she could see beyond, find these new visions and see the world of magic first hand. 

Thank you to Lali Italiano for sharing this strange but magical night with us. Florence has this mysterious power to take us to and open us up to beautiful worlds that we never could have imagined. It’s wonderful to read about what has grown in the minds of other Flows thanks to Florence + The Machine and their music.

We hope you likes this weeks Flow Feature! Send us your story today and next week it could be inspiring other Flows around the world…

Inspiring Flows XxX


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