Welcome to this weeks Flow Feature! We hope you’ve all had a wonderful week, today’s story is on Elizabeth from the UK!!

Elizabeth had always been interested in art, history and music but had never had the courage to try and create her own, not until she discovered ‘Lungs’. Elizabeth first discovered Florence + The Machine in early 2010. A seemingly simple music recommendation from a friend soon turned into an obsession. Day and night, for weeks on end, Elizabeth was attached to her iPod with ‘Lungs’ on repeat. The album became a part of her life that she knew she could never part with. The music spoke to her in a language that she had never heard before, with words so sweet and full of meaning that her heart ached with every listen.

A few months later Elizabeth was in the art rooms at lunch watching her friends channel their inspiration into great works of art. Though she has always loved it, Elizabeth had always been too scared to try it out
herself. That day the art teacher noticed Elizabeth looking longingly at the artwork around her, and took it upon himself to give her the final nudge to try it out. The art teacher set her up with a blank canvas and every colour of paint you could think of. He turned to her and asked her “what inspires you?” In that moment there was only one thing that Elizabeth could think of. 

For the next few weeks Elizabeth spent every afternoon in the art rooms working on what ended up being a ‘Lungs’ based series of artwork, one for each track and a large version of the album cover. The art teacher was so impressed with her work that he arranged for Elizabeth to join an art course where she has had the chance to work on a ‘Ceremonials’ and ‘Florrible and Misrabella’ series.

Outside the success of her art, Elizabeth has also been using the inspiration given by Florence + The Machine to write her own music. At the moment she is in the lengthy process of translating the songs she has created in her head into written music, something she had never learnt previously. Once she has finished she will have a full album!! Elizabeth is currently in her last year of school and with the help of her favourite art teacher is applying for every university scholarship to study a mixture of art, history and music.  

Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your story with us! We wish you all the best with your music, artwork and future studies!!

We hope you enjoyed this weeks Flow Feature. We would love to
hear your story next…

Inspiring Flows Xxx

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