Welcome to all readers, regular and new, and we hope you enjoy this weeks Flow Feature on Britney Lees! This week is a great example of how other fan bases around the world have led people to our beautiful Flow Family.

For Britney, her journey into the world of Florence + The Machine began in July 2011 when her mother forced her to start reading the Harry Potter series. Britney immediately fell in love with the world of Harry Potter and became obsessed to the point that her entire life revolved around the series. It was in February 2012 that Britney’s obsession ventured out to include the beautiful Emma Watson. Britney’s room was covered wall to wall with pictures of Emma, and she would spend all day, every day, watching and re-watching her interviews and speaking about her. At school Britney became known as ‘The Emma Watson Fan’. Sound familiar Flows? 

It was on the 15th of April 2012 that Emma Watson tweeted about the Florence + The Machine performance at Coachella, saying that “As far as I'm concerned I turned 22 when @flo_tweet sang "What the Water Gave Me" at Coachella x”. Straight after reading this tweet, Britney hit YouTube to search for the performance and, as expected of anyone who hears Flo’s beautiful voice and the incredible music produced by the Machine, she fell in love. It took her about two weeks, but she couldn’t resist any longer and ended up searching for more Florence + The Machine songs.

It wasn’t until her birthday in July that Britney finally received both Florence + The Machine albums as gifts. Her best friend Rachel gave her the beautiful ‘Lungs’, and her father presenting her with our latest treat ‘Ceremonials’. She spent that entire night sitting with both albums playing them all through. Once she
had her hands on both complete albums, things started to change in Britney’s life. As Britney says, from then on is history, and she delved right into the heart of the magical world of Florence + The Machine. It was just recently that her mother managed to claim tickets to see Florence + The Machine at the O2. 

Britney, just as every Flow in the world, has experienced many changes in her life since discovering Florence + The Machine. Here at Inspiring Flows we share Britney’s belief that music is a strong form of therapy. Britney experienced this first hand during the last 6-12 months. Before she discovered Florence + The Machine she was having an extremely difficult time dealing with suicidal thoughts and resorting to self-harm. Since she first heard Florence’s voice, and discovered the world of Florence + The Machine and the community of Flows, something has changed in her attitudes towards life. Florence Welch and the band helped her see that there is, and will always be, a light at the end of the tunnel. Everything has changed in her life for the better, and although she still struggles every day to overcome her past challenges and desires to self-harm, she has hope for the future and goals to work towards. Her own mother has
already noticed the immense changes in Britney’s life in the last months, and is so proud that the spark is back in her daughter’s eyes and the smile back on her face. Now that she has found her happiness and developed her confidence, Britney has begun learning to play the guitar, which she was inspired to try after discovering the incredible talent of Rob Ackroyd. 

We sincerely hope that Britney can continue on her path to overcoming her difficulties with self-harm, and that she can reach the goals she has set in her recovery, which she developed thanks to the inspiration that Florence and the band have given her. We also hope that she has an amazing time seeing Florence + The Machine live at the O2! As any Flow will tell you, it will be a life changing experience that you will never, ever forget. 

We hope you enjoyed this weeks Flow Feature! We would lie to mention a big thank you to the talented J.K Rowling and beautiful Emma Watson, without whom Britney would never have discovered out world or our Flow community. It is always incredible to see the different ways through which we discovered Florence, and we love how for many of us, it was through other fan bases.

A massive thank you to Britney Lees for being so brave and sharing her inspiring story. We would absolutely love to hear from every single Flow out there, no matter who you are and what you have been inspired to do. Email us today at [email protected]

Inspiring Flows XxX

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