Welcome to this week’s Flow Feature! This week’s feature is on Abigail Reis! Abigail has been sitting on her inspiring story for a while, and with the help of a friend decided to submit to show other girls who have been in similar situations how she managed to overcome it. 

Abigail first discovered Florence + The Machine in the early summer of 2010 while searching through random videos online. She discovered ‘Dog Days Are Over’ and watched, spellbound, as her ears were filled with such a new, unique form of music. Abigail was obsessed with the song and the video, but at the time had no way of downloading it, and it was soon forgotten. 
The months following her discovery were particularly difficult. Abigail turned 12 and went through an awful experience in the Fall, becoming another victim of online pornography. Though it was not as serious as it could have been, it was still a big deal for a young girl. Abigail’s parents soon found out and their worry was mixed with disappointment, which led Abigail to enter a state of deep depression. It was always on her mind. Everywhere she went Abigail saw people looking at her and she would feel ashamed and paranoid. It
drove Abigail to the point where all she ever did was sit quietly in her room or go for walks, always avoiding social interaction. Finally, Abigail quit doing the thing that she loved most, dancing. As time went on she stopped taking classes and did nothing. This led to Abigail gaining unwanted weight which only dragged her self-confidence down further. 

By this time it was Christmas, and Abigail received an iPod touch. The first thing she did was look for new music, where she rediscovered ‘Dog Days Are Over’. She fell in love all over again, and went and listened to
and downloaded the entire album. Next thing she knew, Ceremonials Deluxe album came out, and she couldn’t find a single track that she didn’t love on there. She downloaded that immediately along with the Lungs B Sides. These songs became a total release for Abigail, from all the negativity that had been holding her down. She would listen to them for hours and her depression would melt away. Abigail was at peace, ‘only if for a night’. 

Thank you Abigail for sharing your inspiring story! We hope you all enjoyed this week’s Flow Feature! 

Inspiring Flows Xxx


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